



Using Docker Images (amd64-linux)

Choose a specific tag. The :latest tag is not made on purpose.

Building an Image

$ git clone --recurse-submodules
$ cd slowdash
$ docker build -t slowdash .

Standard (Bare-Metal) Installation


Base System

Data Backend

Install standard Python modules for the data storage system being used.

Currently supported data backend systems are:

DBMS Python Module
PostgreSQL psycopg2
MySQL mysqlclient
SQLite (none)
Other SQL DBs (generic) sqlalchemy
InfluxDB influxdb-client
Redis redis
CouchDB couchdb
MongoDB pymongo
System Resource (*) psutil

*) “System Resource” is a pseudo-database, responding to queries for CPU, memory and disk usage etc.

See Data Binding section for details.


This process will not create any files other than the git-cloned directory. Installation can be removed completely by deleting this directory.

$ git clone --recurse-submodules
$ cd slowdash
$ make

This will create a bash file to set environmental variables. source it to include the settings:

$ source PATH/TO/SLOWDASH/bin/slowdash-bashrc

For permanent installation, it might be convenient to include this line in the .bashrc file.

Test the installation by running the command:

$ slowdash
  Web-Server Mode: [Options] --port=PORT
  Command-line Mode: [Options] Command

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PORT, --port=PORT  port number for web connection; command-line mode
                        without this option
                        project directory (default: current dir if not
                        specified by SLOWDASH_PROJECT environmental variable)

Test the browser connection using an arbitrary port. As we have not yet defined a project, a warning message will be shown, but we proceed for now.

$ slowdash --port=18881
23-05-15 20:12:35 WARNING: unable to find Slowdash Project Dir: specify it with the --project-dir option, set the SLOWDASH_PROJECT environmental variable, or run the slowdash commands at a project directory
listening at port 18881
$ firefox http://localhost:18881

On success, the error messages below will be shown:

Type Ctrl-c to stop slowdash.


If slowdash is already running, stop it before updating it.

$ git pull --recurse-submodules
$ make

Often make does not do anything, but it is safe to run it every time.