User Module



In Slow-Dash projects, user Python module can be used for:

SlowTask is an extension of the user module, and it should be good for most simple cases. User module is provided for full flexibility beyond SlowTask.

Project Configuration File

  name: ...
    file: FILE_PATH
        KEY1: VALUE1
    data_suffix: SUFFIX
    cgi_enabled: False

[TODO] implement SUFFIX

By default, user modules are not enabled if the server program is launched by CGI. To enable this, set the cgi_enabled parameter True. Be careful for all the side effects, including performance overhead and security issues. As multiple user modules can be loaded in parallel, splitting functions to a CGI-enabled module and disabled one might be a good strategy.


  name: ...
    file: ./

User Module structure

### Called when this module is loaded. The params are the parameters in the configuration file.
def _initialize(params):

### Called during termination of slow-dash.
def _finalize():

### Called when web clients need a list of available channels.
# Return a list of channel struct, e.g.,  [ { "name": NAME1, "type": TYPE1 }, ... ]
def get_channels():
    return []

### Called when web clients request data.
# If the channel is not known, return None
# else return a JSON object of the data, in the format described in the Data Model document.
def _get_data(channel):
    return None

### Called when web clients send a command.
# If command is not recognized, return None
# elif command is executed successfully, return True
# else return False or { "status": "error", "message": ... }
def _process_command(doc):
    return None

### Called periodically while the system is running
# If this function is defined, a dedicated thread is created for that.
# Do not forget to insert a sleep otherwise the system load becomes unnecessarily large.
def _loop():

### Instead of loop(), a lower level implementation with run() and halt() can also be used.
# run() is called as a thread after initialize(), and halt() is called before finalize().
is_stop_requested = False
def _run():
    global is_stop_requested
    while not is_stop_requested:
def _halt():
    global is_stop_requested
    is_stop_requested = True

[TODO] implement the full data-source interface

Example User Data Source

Project Configuration File

  name: WorldClock
        timeoffset: -9
    data_suffix: worldclock

Python Module


import time, datetime
timeoffset = 0

def _initialize(params):
    global timeoffset
    timeoffset = params.get('timeoffset', 0)

def _get_channels():
    return [
        {'name': 'WorldClock', 'type': 'tree'},

def _get_data(channel):
    if channel == 'WorldClock':
        t = time.time()
        dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(t)
        return { 'tree': {
            'UnixWorldClock': t,
            'UTC': dt.astimezone(datetime.timezone.utc).isoformat(),
            'Local': dt.astimezone().isoformat(),
            '%+dh'%timeoffset: dt.astimezone(tz).isoformat()

    return None

# for testing
if __name__ == '__main__':

Testing the module

Running the slowdash command without a port number option shows the query result to screen. The query string is given as the first argument.

Two queries are useful to test the module:

$ slowdash channels
[{ "name": "WorldClock", "type": "tree" }]

$ slowdash data/WorldClock
{ "WorldClock": { "start": 1678801863.0, "length": 3600.0, "t": 1678805463.0, "x": { "tree": {
    "UnixTime": 1678805463.7652955,
    "UTC": "2023-03-14T14:51:03.765296+00:00",
    "Local": "2023-03-14T15:51:03.765296+01:00",
    "-9h": "2023-03-14T05:51:03.765296-09:00"

(the output above is reformatted for better readability)

Using it from web browser

Example User Command Dispatcher

To the example user data source above, add the following function:

Python Module

def _process_command(doc):
    global timeoffset
        if doc.get('set_time_offset', False):
            timeoffset = int(doc.get('time_offset', None))
            return True
    except Exception as e:
        return { "status": "error", "message": str(e) }

    return False

Make a HTML form to send commands from Web browser:

  Time Offset (hours): <input type="number" name="time_offset" value="0">
  <input type="submit" name="set_time_offset" value="Set">

Save the file at the config directory under the user project direcotry. Add a new HTML panel with HTML file WorldClock.

When the Set button is clicked, the form data is sent to the user module as a JSON document. On the terminal screen where the slowdash command is running, you can see a message like:

POST: /slowdash.cgi/control
23-03-14 16:37:46 INFO: DISPATCH: {'set_time_offset': True, 'time_offset': '3'}

User Module Threading

A dedicated thread is created for each user module, and the module is loaded within the thread. Therefore, all the statements outside a function will be executed in this thread at the time of module loading, followed by _initialize().

If the _loop() function is defined in a user module, the function is called periodically within the user module thread:

def _loop():

If the _run() function is defined, a dedicated thread is created and the function will be started immediately after _initialize(). When _run() is used, a terminator function, _halt() should also be defined in the user module to stop the thread. The _halt() function is called just before _finalize(). A typical construction of _run() and _halt() looks like:

is_stop_requested = False

def _run():
    global is_stop_requested
    while not is_stop_requested:

def _halt():
    global is_stop_requested
    is_stop_requested = True    

If both _run() and loop() are defined, run() is called first (after _initialize()), followed by loop() and finalize().

All the other callback functions, such as _process_command(), _get_channels(), and _get_data(), are called from the main Slowdash thread (not the user module thread) and therefore these can be called concurrently with the user thread callbacks (_initialize(), _loop(), _run(), etc.). It is okay to start another thread in user modules, as done in SlowTask which creates a dedicated thread for each _process_command() call.


Debug / Log Messages

To print debug messages from user modules, use the logging module:

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(name)

def _process_command(doc):

User Task Class

To avoid using a number of “global” variables, consider making a class to handle user tasks and using the user module interface functions for simply forwarding the messages.

class MyTask:

my_task = MyTask()

def _loop():
def _process_command(doc):
    return my_task.process_command(doc)    

Standalone Mode

It is often convenient to have the user module executable standalone.

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for i in range(10):

For contineous execution, signal might be used to stop the thread:

def stop(signum, frame):
if __name__ == '__main__':
    import signal
    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, stop)