Project Setup



Project Directory

Configuration File

Project configuration file describes:


  name: ATDS
  title: Atomic Tritium Demonstrator at UW (ATDS)

    type: PostgreSQL
      url: p8_db_user:****@localhost:5432/p8_sc_db
        schema: data_table[channel]@timestamp=value

    theme: light
      color: white
      background: "#4b2e83"

    file_mode: 0666

Data Source Entry (data_source, often necessary)

Module Entry (module, optional)

Style Entry (style, optional)

See Styles below.

System Entry (system, optional)

Authenticate Entry (authenticate, for special purposes)

See Security Considerations below.



Title-bar Style Example

      background: linear-gradient(125deg, rgba(75,46,131,1), rgba(75,46,131,1), rgba(75,46,131,0.9))
      file: P8_Logo_2017.png
      position: left
      background: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(255,255,255, 0.6), rgba(255,255,255, 0.4), rgba(255,255,255, 0))

The background property takes CSS “background” values / expressions. See, e.g., a Mozilla document for some examples.

The logo file(s) must be placed under the project config directory.

Plot Style Examples

Default Style

Dark Theme

    theme: dark

Custom Style

      plotTicksOutwards: true
      plotFrameThickness: 0
      plotBackgroundColor: "#f0f0f0"
      plotGridColor: gray

Testing the Configuration

Running the slowdash command without the --port option takes parameters from the arguments and prints output to screen. Run the command at the same directory as the configuration file is located.

Printing the Configuration

$ slowdash config
    "project": {
        "name": "ATDS",
        "title": "Atomic Tritium Demonstrator at UW (ATDS)",
        "error_message": ""

Printing Channel List

$ slowdash channels
23-03-22 12:48:34 INFO: loaded datasource module "datasource_SQLAlchemy"
  {"name": "sccm_Alicat_Inj_Gas"}, 
  {"name": "mbar_CC10_Inj_Gas"}, 
  {"name": "mbar_IG_Vac_MS"}, 
  {"name": "degC_RTD1_Acc_AS"}, 
  {"name": "degC_RTD2_Acc_AS"}, 

Printing Data

$ slowdash 'data/sccm_Alicat_Inj_Gas?length=60'
23-03-22 12:50:20 INFO: loaded datasource module "datasource_SQLAlchemy"
  "sccm_Alicat_Inj_Gas": {
    "start": 1679514341, "length": 60, 
    "t": [2.364, 12.364, 22.355, 32.366, 42.364, 52.362], 
    "x": [-0.015, -0.014, -0.014, -0.015, -0.014, -0.016]

When the argument includes a special character of the shell (such as ? and &), quote the entire argument.

Running the Server

WARNING: Slow-Dash is designed for internal use within a secured network and therefore no security protection is implemented. It is strongly recommended not to expose the system to the public internet. External access is assumed to be done through VPN or ssh tunnel.

Running in a Docker Container

The SlowDash container image is configured to have a project directory at /project and open a port at 18881. Map the volume and port accordingly:

Single Container

$ docker run -p 18881:18881 -v $(pwd):/project REPO/slowdash:TAG

If you built the container image locally, REPO/slowdash:TAG will be just slowdash:TAG or slowdash.

Docker Compose

First write docker-compose.yaml at your project directory.

version: '3'

    image: REPO/slowdash:TAG
      - .:/project
      - "18881:18881"

If you built the container image locally, REPO/slowdash:TAG will be just slowdash:TAG or slowdash.

$ docker-compose up

Bare-Metal, Running as a User Process

$ slowdash --project-dir=PROJECT_DIR --port=18881

Bare Metal, Launching from CGI

Slowdash can be executed as CGI of a web server such as Apache or Nginx. To setup this, run the script below at the project directory:

$ PATH/TO/SLOWDASH/main/server/
Project: MySlowSystem
Project directory: /home/sanshiro/MySlowSystem/SlowdashProject
Web-file directory: /home/sanshiro/public_html/SlowDash/MySlowSystem
continue? [Y/n] y
CGI directory created: /home/sanshiro/public_html/SlowDash/MySlowSystem

- To setup SLOWDASH CGI for another project, set SLOWDASH_PROJECT and run this program.
- It is safe to run this multiple times, even for the same project.
- CGI can be disabled by deleting the CGI directory.
- Disabled CGI can be re-enabled by running this program again.
- Web-file directory for this project: /home/sanshiro/public_html/SlowDash/MySlowSystem

The script will copy all the necessary files under user’s web directory (typically /home/USER/public_html) and create .htaccess with the contents below:

DirectoryIndex slowhome.html
Options +ExecCGI
AddType application/x-httpd-cgi .cgi
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
AddType text/javascript .mjs

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^api/(.*)$ slowdash.cgi/$1

The web server must be configured so as to:



User modules are disabled for CGI by default. To use a module with CGI, set the cgi_enabled parameter true in the module configuration. Be careful for all the side effects, including performance overhead and security concerns.

Security Considerations

As already mentioned, SlowDash is designed for internal use only within a secured network and therefore no security protection is implemented. It is strongly recommended not to expose the system to the public internet. External access is assumed to be done through VPN or ssh tunnel.

Basic Authentication

In a sad case that you cannot trust your internal friends, the “Basic Authentication” can be used. Combine the authentication with HTTPS using a reverse proxy to encrypt the password and communication.

To use the Basic Authentication, first install the bcrypt Python package if it is not yet installed:

$ pip3 install bcrypt

Then generate an authentication key by slowdash authkey/USER?password=PASS:

$ slowdash authkey/slow?password=dash
    "type": "Basic",
    "key": "slow:$2a$12$UWLc20NG5E3drX35cfA/5eFxuDVC0U79dGg4UP/mo55cj222/vuRS"

Add the key in the project configuration file under the authentication entry:


    type: Basic
    key: slow:$2a$12$UWLc20NG5E3drX35cfA/5eFxuDVC0U79dGg4UP/mo55cj222/vuRS

This key can also be used for Apache, but some Apache keys, especially old ones such as MD5 keys which are still widely used, can not be used for SlowDash.

Only for the CGI mode

Rerun the command to update the Web Server configuration.

$ PATH/TO/SLOWDASH/main/server/
Project: MySlowSystem
Project directory: /home/sanshiro/MySlowSystem/SlowdashProject
Web-file directory: /home/sanshiro/public_html/SlowDash/MySlowSystem
User: slow
continue? [Y/n] y

Note that a new line, User: slow, is now added.